Sabtu, 30 April 2011

RPP KD 4 Procedure Listening


Satuan Pendidikan        : MAN 1 Boyolali                                               Topik                : Procedure Texts
Kelas/ Semester                        : X/ 1                                                    Ketrampilan       : Listening
Mata Pela­jaran              : Bahasa Inggris                                                Alokasi Waktu   : 3 X 45’ (dua pertemuan)

A.    Standar Kompetensi
2.     Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

B.    Kompetensi Dasar
4.        Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks: recount, narrative, dan procedure.

C.    Indikator
1.     Menyebutkan tujuan komunikatif dari teks procedure lisan.
2.     Menyebutkan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks procedure lisan.
3.     Menyebutkan informasi tertentu tersirat dari teks procedure lisan.

D.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat melakukan semua hal yang tersebut dalam indikator di atas.

E.    Materi Ajar

Generic Texts

Contoh-contoh teks Procedure:
Read the text below and answer the following questions!

1. How to make a cup of coffee

Good morning, everybody. I’d like to tell you about how to make a cup of delicious coffee. Before we can make it, we should prepare the ingredients.
The ingredients that we need to make a cup of coffee are:
One sachet of instant coffee
A teaspoonful of sugar
A cup of hot water

Now, Let me tell you the steps:
First, open the sachet and put the instant coffee in the cup.
Second, pour the hot water into the cup.
Next, add a teaspoonful of sugar.
Finally, a cup of delicious coffee is ready to drink.

2. How to Sharpen a pencil Using Pencil Sharpener

Good morning, everybody. I’d like to tell you about how to do something, that is how to sharpen a pencil using a pencil sharpener. Before we can do it, we should prepare the tools that we need. They are a pencil and a pencil sharpener. Now let me tell you the steps of doing it.

First of all, hold the blunt pencil in the one hand and the sharpener in the other.
Then, put the pencil in the hole.
Next, twist the pencil.
After that, take it out to see if it has been sharpened.
If it hasn’t, start doing it again.
Finally, take the pencil out.
Now, you can use your pencil.
1.     What kind of text is it?
2.     What is the purpose of the text?
3.     Write down the sequencers that you find in the text!
4.     Write down the verbs that you find in the text!
5.     Write down the imperative sentences that you find in the text!
6.     What should you do first to sharpen your pencil?
7.     What should you do before you twist the pencil?
8.     What should you do after you twist the pencil?
9.     What should you do if the pencil hasn’t been sharpened?
10.  What should you do finally?

F.    Alokasi Waktu: 4 X 45 menit (dua pertemuan)

G.    Metode Pembelajaran: Contextual Teaching and Learning
Teknik: Mind-mapping
Media: Realia (benda-benda nyata: cangkir, sendok teh, gula, satu sachet kopi instant, air panas)

H.    Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama

Kegiatan Pendahuluan
1.     memotivasi siswa
2.     menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
3.     menyampaikan cakupan materi dan uraian kegiatan

Kegiatan Inti
1.     Eksplorasi
a.     Siswa, dibantu guru, membuat mind-map tentang kosa kata yang akan mereka dengar.
b.    Guru menyebutkan beberapa kata benda (a cup, a teaspoon, a sachet of instant coffee, sugar, dan hot water), sambil menunjukkan bendanya dengan bantuan media realia (benda nyata)
c.     Siswa menirukan kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh guru dan menyebutkan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.
d.    Guru menyebutkan beberapa kata kerja (put, pour, stir, dan serve) sambil memperagakan dengan bantuan realia, dan siswa menyebutkan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.

2.     Elaborasi
a.     Guru memperdengarkan sebuah teks procedure lisan tentang cara membuat secangkir kopi (How to make a cup of coffee) dengan media realia (peragaan langsung dengan benda nyata), dan siswa mendengarkan contoh teks procedure lisan dari guru.
b.    Siswa bekerja dalam kelompok membahas tujuan komunikatif, generic structure, & content dari teks tersebut.
c.     Siswa bersama guru membahas tujuan komunikatif, generic structure, serta content dari teks tersebut.
d.    Guru mendengarkan teks yang lain (procedure texts tentang How to do something) dengan bantuan teks rumpang tertulis, dan siswa mendengarkan sambil melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut.
e.     Siswa bersama guru membahas teks tersebut.

3.     Konfirmasi
a.     Guru memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan terhadap keberhasilan siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas
b.    Guru menjadi narasumber dan fasilitator menjawab pertanyaan peserta didik dalam memahami teks
c.     Guru memberi motivasi siswa untuk lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran berikutnya.

Kegiatan Penutup
1.     Membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang sudah dipelajari hari itu.
2.     Melakukan refleksi terhadap jalannya proses pembelajaran pada hari itu
3.     Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran yang akan datang: pendalaman materi (satu jam pelajaran, dilanjutkan evaluasi (listening test dari teks procedure) pada jam pelajaran berikutnya.
4.     Guru memberikan tugas terstruktur dan kegiatan mandiri untuk dikerjakan di rumah
Tugas Terstruktur:
Mendengarkan sebuah teks procedure lisan dan membuat serta menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan teks. Jawaban dikumpulkan pada pertemuan yang akan datang.
Kegiatan Mandiri Tidak Terstruktur:
Menonton acara Rachel Ray show di Metro TV pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu jam 15.00 dan memperhatikan bahan-bahan (Ingredients) dan langkah-langkah (steps) dari cara membuat suatu masakan.

Pertemuan Kedua (Satu jam pelajara: Evaluasi/ Listening Test)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit)
1.     memotivasi siswa
2.     menyampaikan tujuan evaluasi
3.     menyampaikan cakupan materi dan uraian kegiatan (evaluasi)

Kegiatan Inti
1.     Eksplorasi (3 menit)
a.     Guru me Guru menyiapkan siswa supaya mengerjakan soal-soal listening dengan penuh semangat dan jujur.
b.    Guru membagikan kertas soal berisi pilihan jawaban dari soal-soal yang akan diperdengarkan.
2.     Elaborasi (25 menit)
a.     Guru memperdengarkan soal listening dan siswa mengerjakan.
b.    Siswa mengumpulkan jawaban mereka.
3.     Konfirmasi (12 menit)
a.     Guru memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan terhadap keberhasilan siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas
b.    Guru menjadi narasumber dan fasilitator menjawab pertanyaan peserta didik dalam memahami teks
Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)
1.     Membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang sudah dipelajari hari itu.
2.     Melakukan refleksi terhadap jalannya proses pembelajaran pada hari itu
3.     Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran yang akan datang.

I.      Penilaian Hasil Belajar

Teknik: Tes
Bentuk: Pilihan ganda
Satu set soal listening berisi 10 soal pilihan ganda.

Part A
Directions: On the compact disk you will hear some texts. Each text will be followed by some questions. After you hear a text and the questions about it, read the five possible answers in your book and decide one that will be the best answer to the question that you’ve just heard.

Questions number 1 through 4 refer to the following information

1.     a. the way to go to Jogja                                   d. the way to make scrambled egg
      b. the way to get the recipe                                e. the way to beat eggs
      c. the way to send a recipe to the broadcaster

2.     a. TV viewers                            c. kindergarten children              e. students of a cooking class
      b. women association                d. cooks in a restaurant

3.     a. two               b. three             c. four              d. five               e. six

4.     a. put the egg yolks in a bowl    c. add salt and pepper              e. cook the beaten eggs
      b. put the egg whites in a bowl   d. heat the margarine

Questions number 5 through 7 refer to the following information

5.     a. a professional chef                                        d. a manager of a company
      b. a sales representation                                    e. TV viewers
      c. an instructor of a cooking class

6.     a. how to buy a new type of pan                                    d. how to make satay using a pan
      b. how to use a new type of pan                                    e. how to clean a new type of pan
      c. how to grill a fish using a pan

7.     a. rinse the pan using warm water                       d. just use it to cook
      b. wipe the pan using a piece of dry cloth          e. put it in the dish washer
      c. heat the pan with little fire

Questions number 8 through 10 refer to the following information

8.     a. a stewardess                         c. a sales representative                        e. a toothbrush seller
      b. a mother                               d. a kindergarten teacher

9.     a. how to use a toothbrush                                d. how to clean a toothbrush
      b. how to use toothpaste                                   e. how to take some toothpaste
      c. how to brush teeth

10.  a. go home                   c. wash their toothbrush             e. put their toothbrush in the right place
      b. wash their mouth       d. brush their teeth again

Listening Transcription and Key Answers:
Text 1 for questions number 1 to 4

Hallo, good morning, everybody. Today we’re going to try a new recipe which has been sent by one of our viewers from Jogja. We’re going to make scrambled egg. Before we get started, we’ll prepare what we need: four egg yolks and three egg-whites, a teaspoonful of salt, a half teaspoon of pepper, and a spoonful of margarine.
Okay, let’s begin the cooking.
First, put the egg yolks and egg whites in a bowl.
Second, add salt and pepper, and then beat the eggs until smooth.
After that, heat the margarine. Then, cook the beaten eggs. Always mix the eggs while it’s on the frying pan until it’s done, like this. It needs only about three minutes.

  1. What is the speaker explaining?
  2. Who could possibly be the listeners of the text?
  3. How many egg yolks do you need to make it?
  4. What should you do after you beat the eggs until smooth?

Text 2 for questions number 5 to 7

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce you a new generation of a frying pan. It’s called the Miracle Pan. This pan is special in that you don’t need to use cooking oil or margarine when frying. How can we do it?
Okay, let me explain it to you.
First, we have to rinse the miracle pan using warm water and liquid soap before it is used for the first time.
Second, wipe it using a piece of dry cloth finely.
Next, heat the pan on the stove with little fire. Do not use big fire.
Then, do your cooking.
You can fry omelet, grill fish, make satay, and so on using this pan.
After you finish cooking, you can just wipe the pan using a piece of napkin or dry cloth.
Cooking using this pan becomes very simple, doesn’t it? So, I recommend you to buy this miracle pan.

  1. Who could be possibly the speaker of the text?
  2. What is the speaker explaining?
  3. What should you do before you use the pan for the first time?

Text 3 for questions number 8 to 10

Good morning, sweet children. Today we’re going to learn how to brush our teeth.
Before we get started, you should prepare what we need. We need a toothbrush, toothpaste, and water.
Great! Every body is ready.
First, open the cap of the toothbrush.
Can you do this? Okay. Smart children.
Second, press the toothpaste until the content comes out of the tube.
Third, put a little toothpaste on your brush, like this. Okay.
Next, wash your mouth.
Then, brush your teeth using the toothbrush with a little toothpaste on it. Okay.
Yeah, like that. Very good.
After you finish brushing your teeth, wash your mouth again using clean water.
Finally, clean your toothbrush.
All right, children. You’ve done very good job. Your mothers will be very proud of you. After this class we’re going to go home. See you.

  1. Who could be possibly the speaker of the text?
  2. What is the speaker explaining?
  3. What should the children do after they finish brushing their teeth?

Kunci Jawaban:

1.     D
2.     A
3.     C
4.     D
5.     B
6.     B
7.     A
8.     D
9.     C
10.  B

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